
Showing posts from September, 2018

Late, Late Birthday Post: 1 Major, Super Important, Life-changing Lifehack I Learned at 24

Last year, I wrote 24 things I learned before 24 and I had high hopes of making this an annual tradition on my birthday. However, this did not materialize this year. Not because I did not start it and worked hard at it but because I don't think I Iearned 25 things last year. I mean, I'm sure I learned many things but one thing outshines them all . I learned one major thing that has changed my life in more than 25 ways. It hinges on some level with the 3rd gem on my 24 things I learned before 24 list : 3. Knowing what helps you on days when you can't see the light is crucial.   This life hack is amazing. Are you ready? This is about to change your life. Here it comes: NO EXPECTATIONS Get it? Reconditioning my mind to have expectations of myself but no expectations of anyone else has been the single most powerful change I've made in my 25th year and has lead to a more peaceful, wise and honestly, more grateful me. I can't remember when it happenend. M...

Okinoshima Dream

Why did you come to Oki? One month into my life on this mind-blowingly beautiful but remote island and this question is soon in succession after the initial greeting.  My simplified answer is: SAFETY. Oki is extremely safe and unfortunately, Trinidad is not.  In my interview for this programme, the same question was asked of Japan (Why do you want to go to Japan?) and my answer was the same. I've grown up hearing about how long ago in Trinidad, people would leave their doors open and if you dropped something, a stranger would not steal it but hunt you down to return it. We were always told of how neighbours lived together in harmony and there was no violence. This coupled with religious teachings that things are getting worse worldwide because we are near the time of the end caused me to believed that extreme violence was a constant all over the world and peace was a thing of the past. It was, in a sense, the natural progression of things.  I accepted that I woul...