5 Major Lessons I've learnt since living on my own for 3 months

I had never lived apart from my family when I left three months ago. I wanted to be on my own and so, when a friend's roommate moved out, I jumped at the opportunity to move in with her. This made the transition into being on my own easier and harder at the same time. It was easier because this is someone that my mom knows and so it was not hard for her to not challenge my decision. It made it a bit harder because this arrangement did not work out too well. I realized that I was not going to stay there after a week and started looking elsewhere. I decided to leave before any conflict developed. I was pretty stressed out because I did not plan as well as I should (make sure and PLAN and SAVE before moving) however, I eventually got a small place and moved on my own three weeks after moving in with my friend.
Without further ado, these are the five main lessons I've learned since living on my own.


You are going to get lonely. It doesn't matter how annoying living by your parents was, you are definitely going to get lonely and maybe even feel some regret. This is normal. This is a big change for anyone. On the flip side, you can't expect to get the same support that you received when you were living at home. You are on your own which means dealing with your own insects, cheering yourself up sometimes, dealing with loneliness and taking the initiative to reach out to those back home instead of moping around complaining that, "Nobody misses me" and "everybody's life is going on without me." It's natural for those back home to eventually get used to you not being around. It's also natural for you to get used to being on your own. So, seek out ways to meet persons by joining a club, going to the gym, speaking to your neighbors and people at the business places around. Get to know your new neighborhood! Also, reach out to those back home. They may think that they should not contact you much because you're probably off having wild sex and attending loud parties while you're probably home in your pj's watching Netflix and chilling. Alone.


Food! You realize how expensive food is and you also realize that your parents were not magicians. Someone actually had to monitor the food supply and replenish it when it was running low. Imagine that! This is now your responsibility. If you don't, you'll just have to starve. Simple. Or you might just wind up eating a lot of things that are very bad for you.

It's all on you though.

If you lose your job, you are going to starve, be out of an apartment and probably die. (Just kidding!) However, there's no begging or requesting late payments. You have to suck it up and find the money somewhere to pay your rent and other bills. You'll also realize here that your parents were probably more amazing than they let on and you realized.

Moment of truth!

Let's face it. The new found freedom is exhilarating. However, while all the freedom is exhilarating, the burden of responsibly is gonna keep you grounded. YOU are responsible for feeding, clothing, and making sure that you're okay physically and mentally. If you end up gaining a ton of weight, it's YOUR fault....if you wind up on drugs, it's YOUR fault...if you lose your key....it's YOUR fault....if your friends come over and break a window...it's YOUR fault. Welcome to adulthood? (By now you may be wondering if this is really what you wanted right?)

Everything is gonna be alright!

You are going to make it. Simple. This is a beautiful part of your life filled with challenges but guess what? You have been training for this all your life. You are going to make it and you are going to have a lot of amazing experiences along the way. It is perfectly fine to feel regret, sad and scared but the benefits you'll reap by sticking it out are insurmountable. Be happy. No worries. Except about your bills.
And rent.


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