Pencil Case Gangsta

I wish the delinquent boys in Trinidad were like the delinquents in Japan. Seriously. Maybe, then, we'd get somewhere as a people.

I can't take 'delinquent' students in Japan seriously. They're simply not believable.

How do you expect to be 'gangsta' and you have a pencil case?

Coming from Trinidad, I've met a few 'little harden rugrats' who actually have no effs to give. Like, really really. They really do not care and you have to jump through hoops and put on a performance that partially lubricates some deep part of their charred souls in order for them to give you and your content any attention.

 They come to school with their school pants shiny without a wrinkle in sight, waves on swim with a sharp haircut and a Jansport schoolbag matching their uniform. The schoolbag? EMPTY.

If you're lucky, you'll find an 'everything' book in it. A book that he uses for everything.

...but there is one thing that 'wutless' boys in Trinidad never bring to class. Stationery. That shows the depth of their nonchalance for their education. "I'm coming to hear but you have to be sayin' something real interesting for me to take notes" is basically what they are saying.

Do you know how much you have to don't care about your education for you to consistently come to school without anything to write with? That's a basic part of the school arrangement. You come. I teach. You take notes and try to learn. Everyday you get dressed and come to school with the guarantee that you are going to learn absolutely nothing that day? Fascinating.

How do I know? Because I'm the teacher they come to daily for "a pencil borrow."

 "Everyday someone lends you a pencil and you come the next day without it, Tyrone? Get it together."

He would put that pencil behind his ear and parade around the school as though he's on the runway quicker than he'd come to class with that pencil.

And here you are in Japan.
With your pencil case filled with stationery.
Trying to convince us that you really don't care about all of this.
Okay, Haruto, no problem.
Just forgive me if I'm not intimidated.


  1. Leave poor Haruto alone and let him be gangsta ��


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